Sunday, March 19, 2006

I would say I play safe more...

As per title, I would say that I play safe much more than I play it risky. Somehow the appeal of winning big with low chances versus winning little with a surer chance doesnt charm me at all. Sure, sometimes when gung-ho overcomes the "better judgement" of mine, why not? I dont mind smashing half of my winnings to go at the big one if I feel confident.

Its not easy to be confident I have to say. Life is like a spectrum most of the time. Most of the people you meet are not like what you think. There isnt a good and bad in life, and even if there was it would be minimal (think Maths and the bell shaped distribution in this case). In the end its up all of us in the "grey" region.

With relation to the above analogy, it can be said that you can be either totally lacking in confidence, in the "middle", or overconfident. In this case I might categorise myself in the confident region, though not yet over- (I know how it felt to be so, and it sucked when I failed at something).

To throw everything to the wind in the hopes of winning something against improbable odds is something of folklore, romantists, and the desperate. Though sometimes people win this way, its not really something I might say applies to everyday life, since there are always better ways (and safer too). I guess the perspective must be put into the picture before it becomes clearer. What will make you take the risks? Perhaps it might be love, money, reputation (aka honour, depending on how you look at it) or even for kicks. Its unique basically.

Personally Ill sit out of the risk game :) ~ unless things become...too hot for my own good :P

Sunday, March 12, 2006

I like taking risks, 'coz danger is my middle name. XD can ignore the title above ^-^;;;

For the past, I would definitely do things according to routing i.e. wake up at 6am, go to school at 7am, start class at 8am, school ends at 3pm, eat lunch at 4pm, do work until 9pm, go to sleep at 11am. XD's pretty much how my weekdays turned out, and for the weekends, it woulda be out of the house since 10am and back at home at 8pm.

So routine......and bloodily boring.

Now, as yours truly gets herself adapted to the new lifestyle conditions @ college life, said routine (including sleep patterns! ESPECIALLY sleep patterns) have...drastically changed.

From a morning person, I've become a night creature - I now have nocturnal habits, I tend to work better at night, I tend to do things more according to my impulse and mood compared to doing based on priority, etc. You get the picture.

So turns almost 180 degress around~~~XD

And almost everything, I'd do NOT exactly last minute, but always just when I feel it's really important to do, then I'll do. Kinda like the impulse-mood I'd mentioned earlier. So sometimes I can get things done amazingly sooo many days before the deadline, or otherwise doing it one day/night/few hours before the class starts ^-^;;;

Though sometimes I would complained to myself WHY I didn't do it earlier in the first place, but stubborn old me never listens XD I kinda actually LIKED to take extra risks in completing a work, say a project. If in the past I woulda spent sooo many hours to work on it and get it done before time, but now I'm more like "Just get it done and over with but still make it so bloody good, I can still pwn the class like usual" XD [As, according to ma current MSN nick, yeah, yours truly IS owning her class right now XD]

So...yeap. I'm more towards the freestyle now. I feel not as restrained as in the past, even though I'm working with an even shorter time limit these days... don't we all just LUV to toy with danger once in a while? XD

If one person daren't take the big risk, he/she is considered a loser. But for me, I woulda say it depends on the situation on whether taking a big risk IS good or bad.

So far...I've been working all the last-minute jobs, hoping that with whatever time left and amazing ability I owned, I hoped to get those jobs done with a bang, Lammy-style XD Sure, it mighta be last minute, but it still gets into the best books of the lecturers, right?

But SOME jobs required lotsa concentration, especially the big 'uns. So I tend to do those with much more care (and of course, more time) compared to blatant 15-minutes-crapping for some of my simple researches ^-^;;;

So whose side are ya on? The carefree risk-taker, or the play-it-safe sort? XD


Friday, March 10, 2006

What Propels You?~

He reads the papers before work, sipping coffee.

She takes a warm bath before driving off to work.

He does ten push ups before walking to work.

What do they all have in common? They have a routine before an unknown (i.e work) occurs. Should we do things according to routine? I certainly hope to do so, but yeah, me being the fantastic procrastinator, thats just not possible. In Aus its more like:

He wakes up late, eats an Uncle Toby while drowning himself in orange juice before rolling down the streets to his Uni.


Do you do things according to routine? Or prefer to keep it...freestyle babeh! :3