Another Welcome! From Yours Truly ^-^
Nonsense aka my stuff? Damn right I shoulda aim that bazooka at you ;P
On another note...YES, welcome to this (mad) blog that belongs to two unusual people that hits on everyday stuff, albeit in a different angle and light altogether ;P Hence, in this blog we will be discussing (and occasionally, ranting) about our point of views, and hope to enlighten our readers with our thoughts if not for pleasure of mere tinkering with philosophical ideas.
*cough* English too hard to understand? Please speak up, and we'll try our best to make sure everyone can keep up with our bullet-train-speed of thought XD
As of now...currently, I am stuck 6-feet-under a mound of (easily removable) college assignments, but that is not gonna hinder me from updating this blog with my fellow comrade Denny :D We'll do a by-rounds discussion i.e. taking turns to talking about topics, and since Denny has gratefully started this round first, he shall be honoured to go first :D
Please DO note that some of the stuff we're gonna covered will be quite open i.e. some hot issue we (supposed) youths are NOT supposed to go into, but we do have our freedom of thought and speech, yesh? But don't worry, we are NOT going into anything extreme to avoid a certain law imposed on the two of us.
*speaks into collar-mike* So, Denny, what's your status over there? Over. XD
P.S. I finally got the hang of DotA using the CM, though I'm interested in how to use the Lightning Revenant (Razor) and the Moon Rider (Luna Moonfang). Any good suggestions?
P.S.2 Who's in charge of editting the page? (Being plain white seems...normal. We need to add something...)
On another note...YES, welcome to this (mad) blog that belongs to two unusual people that hits on everyday stuff, albeit in a different angle and light altogether ;P Hence, in this blog we will be discussing (and occasionally, ranting) about our point of views, and hope to enlighten our readers with our thoughts if not for pleasure of mere tinkering with philosophical ideas.
*cough* English too hard to understand? Please speak up, and we'll try our best to make sure everyone can keep up with our bullet-train-speed of thought XD
As of now...currently, I am stuck 6-feet-under a mound of (easily removable) college assignments, but that is not gonna hinder me from updating this blog with my fellow comrade Denny :D We'll do a by-rounds discussion i.e. taking turns to talking about topics, and since Denny has gratefully started this round first, he shall be honoured to go first :D
Please DO note that some of the stuff we're gonna covered will be quite open i.e. some hot issue we (supposed) youths are NOT supposed to go into, but we do have our freedom of thought and speech, yesh? But don't worry, we are NOT going into anything extreme to avoid a certain law imposed on the two of us.
*speaks into collar-mike* So, Denny, what's your status over there? Over. XD
P.S. I finally got the hang of DotA using the CM, though I'm interested in how to use the Lightning Revenant (Razor) and the Moon Rider (Luna Moonfang). Any good suggestions?
P.S.2 Who's in charge of editting the page? (Being plain white seems...normal. We need to add something...)